Certified & Trusted Technology​

Realsafe Technologies is the only company to achieve British APCO certification for apps in both the motorcycle and automotive sectors. Its automatic crash detection and emergency alerting ecosystem continues to maintain false activation thresholds of less than 1%.

Fast Data Transfer

A typical emergency data packet is around 1.5kb in size. This enables an emergency alert to be delivered to the Emergency Services in milliseconds of a validated crash.

Life Saving

Where seconds can save lives, we ensure emergency responders have access to vital medical data before a dispatch takes place. It enables paramedics to prepare appropriate resources in advance of attending a crash scene.

Reliable Systems

Our life-saving and trusted technology is responsible for protecting over 30 million miles of journeys by customers travelling within the automotive and motorcycle markets.

Automatic Crash Detection

Since 2011, Realsafe Technologies has been improving its crash detection algorithm and the way our apps use location data to assist the emergency services in identifying the precise location of those who need help. 

Developed and refined from years of R&D and millions of miles of journeys, our smartphone-based automatic crash detection technology utilises a phone’s accelerometer, GPS, proximity, magnomotor and other sensors to detect a crash.

To prevent false triggering, RST’s proprietary ‘auto-pause’ technology determines when a rider is travelling above a specific threshold thus ensuring sensor monitoring is only active while riding.

Post-Crash Validation

Our post-impact device monitoring and validation processes are industry respected and proven to minimise false alerts.

Using an array of phone sensors, data sampling and onscreen alerting, RST’s post-crash validation algorithm is used to determine whether a rider/driver is moving or may require emergency assistance.

Emergency Alerting

The Realsafe Emergency Integration Network (RESIN) is a fast, secure, and reliable emergency alerting platform. It's designed to ingest emergency data from an app that contains the RST SDK. It delivers this time-critical, location, direction, and potentially life-saving medical data directly to emergency responders within seconds of a crash.

This Google Cloud-hosted end-to-end infrastructure connects customers with the Emergency Services across North America, the UK, ROI, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Japan via integration partners Bosch Automotive Solutions, BT Global Services and Northern911. A final validation call to the customer is made before an appropriate emergency response can be organised.

Standard Network Connection

RST’s technology will attempt to deliver emergency data via a smartphone’s standard network connection.

If a data connection is unavailable (no network coverage), it will use the Iridium Satellite Network to deliver the alert, providing a satellite dongle and appropriate airtime package has been purchased.

Satellite Connectivity

In 2023, the use of satellite connectivity via the Iridium Satellite constellation adds a major capability to RST’s services. This industry first for motorcycling means that we can automatically deliver emergency and location data to the Emergency Services - even when there’s no network connection.

For those using RST’s technology and unable to call for assistance, it offers complete peace of mind no matter where they travel.

Triumph SOS
Specifically tailored for motorcyclists, Triumph SOS monitors key sensors in your smartphone to detect and validate an accident. If an accident is detected, an alert is triggered and sent to the emergency services based on your GPS location.
Dash Camera Emergency SOS
Launched in 2019, RST’s post-crash validation and emergency alerting service is integrated into a market-leading, connected in-car technology brand, bringing new and revolutionary features to the Dash Cam market. This world-first partnership protects drivers across the UK, ROI, Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan with automatic emergency alerting.

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